Exhibition at Vera Cortês

Artist André Guedes invited me for a collaboration while developing his Formas Antigas, Novas Circunstâncias (2019) installation, which features a sound piece developed with singers Marco Alves dos Santos (tenor) and Nuno Dias (bass). I composed the score and later recorded the singers at Goela. The piece inaugurated on the 21st of November 2019 at Galeria Vera Cortês.

“A tangential approximation to the operatic recitative format, the libretto of the piece introduces a dialogue between two masculine voices: one of them is, possibly, that of an urban design historian detailing the urban and social transformations undergone by Italian cities during the second half of the 20th century, and the second possibly that of an archaeologist alluding to the historical processes that lead to the rise and downfall of the city of Troy.” (João Mourão and Luís Silva, exhibition leaflet)

André Guedes Formas Antigas, Novas Circunstâncias

Premiere of ‘NowState’ at Southbank Centre, London

On the 18th of January 2019, pianist Phillip Leslie will give the world premiere of my new piano piece, called NowState, commissioned by the Park Lane Group Music Trust. The concert is part of the SoundState festival, to take place at the Southbank Centre, London, on 16-20 January 2019. The festival aims at “bringing together an unrivalled concentration of global creativity and celebrates the artists that are redefining what it means to make new music in the 21st century”. The event will take place at the Purcell Room, at 6:45pm, featuring also performances by the Laefer Saxophone Quartet. Click here to book your free ticket.

Phillip Leslie piano
Laefer Saxophone Quartet

Thomas Adès: Bianca Variations for piano
Boulez: une page d’éphéméride for piano
Gonçalo Gato: NowState for piano (World premiere)
Adam Gorb: Let them play for saxophone quartet
Michael Torke: May for saxophone quartet
Michael Cryne: New work for saxophone quartet (World premiere)