The piece Elementos (2018), for piano trio, is set to be performed by ensemble recherche in Freiburg on the 7th of September 2020 during the Ensemble-Akademie. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the organisation hopes the Akademie can still take place:
Even though the present situation creates planning uncertainty, we currently assume that we will be able to hold the Academy Week in September.
Program Opening Concert
Monday, 7.9.2020, 8 pm
Members of the Freiburger BarockConsort and the ensemble recherche
Heinrich Ignaz Franz von Biber: Battalia
Francesco Durante: Concerto in A-Dur, «La Pazzia» (der Wahnsinn)
Georg Philipp Telemann: 6 Kanonische Sonaten, Nr. 2 D-Dur (TWV 40:119)
Georg Philipp Telemann: 6 Kanonische Sonaten, Nr. 6 in g-Moll (TWV 40:123)
Roman Haubenstock-Ramati: multiple 5
Gonçalo Gato: Elementos
Vito Žuraj: Ruée